Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hope Lives, new on etsy

Just a quick note, just posted this print on etsy.  Hope you all like!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Calender Girl

I've been working on a calender page for the website Digital Whisper.  My month is October (my favorite).  I decided to do a fairy in a forest with a page for notes next to the art work, also got to decorate the actual calender.  Can't wait to see all the gorgeous art there is bound to be in this book!

Here's the note page:  model courtesy mizzd-stock at deviantart.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Here's a simple manipulation I did using 2 of the textures below, just to show you what they can be used for. Enjoy!

Free Textures

Here are three new textures that you may use however you wish,  Hope they are helpful!

Monday, August 1, 2011

New and Improved?!?

It's been so long since I was on here, it took me all day to make a few changes.
Been really busy since my son graduated, trying to get him ready for school, all the stuff you have to buy...Oh well, I really didn't need a vacay anyway!
I decided to use my facebook icon for my header , it's one of my favorite pieces I've done so far.  I love her look of a little mystery!

I will try to be back soon with some free textures and photos to use in your artwork.